
Thursday 30 June 2016

A Meal with only 2 Ingredients

When staying away from home I like to keep my cooking simple. I don't have the usual herbs and spices I have at home so making easy and simple meals is important. 

This was one of my favourite countryside dinners as vegetables are so easily available when you are surrounded by farms and it also makes a healthy meal. 

Broccoli is a source of vitamin E and iron and is low in calories and sweet potatoes make tasty chips without the need for loads of additional flavouring. Also using only vegetables for a meal keeps food costs down while still providing a healthy filling meal. 

This is one vegan meal for anyone who doesn't like cooking but still wants nutritious food. It is simple to do, the broccoli only needs boiling and I peeled and chopped the sweet potato then roasted in the oven with a little oil and seasoned with paprika (although seasoning is optional). 

This is definitely one simple recipe. Only two ingredients but loads of vitamins and minerals. 

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Vegan in the Countryside

I've just got back from another trip to the countryside and I still found it a struggle to be vegan but I think things are slowly improving. I was pleased to find Gosh food burgers for sale which were healthy and only use natural ingredients and are of course vegan. There was also a garden centre which sold vegan cakes which was a real shock to find and there was of course plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in abundance. I still haven't found any vegan options in cafes but there were a few places with vegetarian options so maybe in time veganism will move to the smaller villages and towns in England. I will be detailing different things I have found in the countryside but it was also nice to have simpler meals and not rely on ready made vegan options. The healthiest foods are wholefoods so it doesn't really matter if you can't find ready made vegan products as long as you have fruit and vegetables you can always have delicious, healthy meals. Wherever you travel it is about being creative and realising that plant based foods are always available wherever you go. 

Monday 27 June 2016

Why I want to start a vegan business

When you are passionate about something it becomes a big part of your life. For me being a vegan is the strongest belief I have. I don't believe animals are on this earth to be eaten, used in any way from testing cosmetics to providing entertainment in a zoo so my belief has become part of everything I do.

I choose clothes based on what materials are used, I go to restaurants that are vegan or have vegan options and I buy make-up which is vegan and against animal testing. Going vegan also inspired me to start this blog writing about my experiences and helping others going vegan by showing the products that are available and sharing recipes.

I love writing about being vegan, I love vegan products and lately I've been thinking about starting a vegan business. Just like my blog it is a way to share what I love and earn money from promoting veganism and proving that you don't need to use animals in any way.

I think it is important for people to promote what they believe in and show the world there are other, cruelty free ways of living. So I am planning to start a business that sells vegan and ethical products, I am currently working on ideas. There is a saying that if you can make money doing something you love you will never work a day in your life, I think these are words to live by so watch this space! I may be revealing a vegan business on the blog soon. 

Sunday 26 June 2016

Fancy a cup of Fairtrade sugar?

This brown sugar is both vegan and fairtrade and cheaper than other named brands! Perfect. I use this in baking and it is great to know that you are also supporting fairtrade. I used this sugar in flapjacks, cakes and biscuits. It is available from Sainsburys. 

Saturday 25 June 2016

Vegan Lunch Idea- Houmous, falafel bagels

It can be hard to think of new and exciting lunch ideas. This is one of my favourites. Toasted houmous bagels are lovely on their own, but it can be nice to add an extra flavour and these pre-made falafels from Cauldron foods take the hassle out of making your own. This is the ultimate fast food if you don't feel like preparing a big lunch. I am enjoying using the organic houmous, I haven't noticed any change in flavour but I prefer eating organic as I know it is healthier. The New York Backery Co are a company which labels their products vegan which is great and they have a great range of bagels. Try this quick, tasty lunch and save money on eating cafe versions of this meal. 

Friday 24 June 2016

Organic Homous

It's great to see Tesco embracing the organic food world. On a recent trip into the supermarket I couldn't believe how many organic items there were. They are clearly labelled with cream packaging and green writing. There were so many options in all parts of the shops. It was nice to see more organic fruit and vegetable options. This organic houmous was a great option as it was the same price as other versions. This is unusual as you usually have to pay more for organic products, hopefully this is the start of these options becoming more cost effective. I will definitely be buying more organic options soon and hopefully more supermarkets will follow suit. 

Thursday 23 June 2016

Wheatgrass and fruit is proving to be one of my favourite pre-gym snacks. It gives you the quick energy boost that you need before a workout. I am definitely loving the health benefits of wheatgrass and think it is helping me improve my energy levels and stay healthy. Fruit is always a great snack before the gym as the sugars give you a natural energy source and it helps you eat at least five portions of fruit and veg a day. 

Wednesday 22 June 2016

EU Referendum

Just thought I would share this today. I've seen so much scare mongering and blatant racist posters around Manchester trying to make people afraid. All lives are important and trying to make this campaign into 'us' versus 'them' creates an unnecessary hierarchy of humans. Remember to vote tomorrow.  

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Vegan Volunteering

There are so many ways to share Veganism, volunteering is one of them. Check out this interesting blog post about how to get involved with vegan volunteering.

Monday 20 June 2016

Have you tried the newest addition to the Vegan Quorn Range yet? The vegan fillets are a welcome addition, they can be cooked in a sauce and eaten with vegetables or rice. Quorn is clearly listening to the demand for more vegan products. Fingers crossed for more soon as all the products have been great so far! I know in America Quorn has vegan burgers out so I am really hoping they have those in the UK soon. 

Sunday 19 June 2016

Alternative to Eggs

Orgran is my favourite choice of egg replacer. I never used to eat eggs even as a vegetarian but I did use them in baking. I am amazed by how easy eggs are to replace in baked goods, showing that there is really no need for them in anything. This product by Orgran is an easy way to replace any number of eggs in baking, although it can't make an omelette or anything like that it is perfect to use in dessert recipes or even as a binder for burgers. 

All you have to do to use this product is mix the powder with water, two teaspoons of the powder mixed with two tablespoons of water equals one egg, simple! It makes it easy to follow non-vegan recipes as I still have lots of cook books which aren't vegan which I simply adapt. The powder also lasts for ages making it more cost effective than buying boxes of eggs. Who says being vegan is more expensive! This product makes all those cakes and biscuits I like to eat a bargain...which technically means I can make more, since they are such good value for money. 

Also if you are worried that cakes won't rise or biscuits won't bind with this product don't worry it is amazing how good it is and how my recipes seem exactly the same from when I was vegetarian. It also makes a great binder for vegan burgers which I make all the time and keeps the mixture together just like an egg would. I have seen this product in supermarkets, health stores and online so it is widely available so try it out and get baking! 

Saturday 18 June 2016

Alpro Custard

Baking just got easier with this Alpro Custard. Everything has a vegan version and custard is the same. This ready to heat custard is perfect for adding to a freshly baked vegan cake. It tastes amazing and you may even like it better than 'regular' custard as it is sweet, creamy with a light taste. Alpro has a great range of dairy free alternatives and they are usually found in the free from section in a supermarket. Cake and custard anyone? 

Friday 17 June 2016

Is honey Vegan?

Honey is one product which confuses a lot of people. Some people believe it's OK to eat and use even when you are vegan others believe it is not vegan. 

I have to admit when I first went vegan I hadn't considered honey and didn't know where I stood on using it. I like many people thought that if the bees weren't hurt or treated cruelly like in the dairy and meat industry maybe it was OK for vegans to use. However I did some research and decided to avoid it in food and cosmetics as I think being a vegan means avoiding all animal products. 

Although some people don't see the problem with using honey. So here's a few reasons why as a vegan you should be avoiding it.

  • Bees make honey for themselves. It is not natural the way humans have turned them into honey making machines. By taking the honey which bees naturally produce you are taking their food source which they would otherwise have used for winter. 
  • Some bees are killed in the harvesting of honey. This isn't intentional but a bad result of the process. So much for humans protecting bees by bee keeping. 
  • Honey is a commodity, it is sold for human consumption. The bees are being used as part of a business so if you don't believe in exploiting any living creatures it's best to avoid honey. 
  • Bees are vital to the pollination of crops. They do need to be protected but taking their honey doesn't have to be part of the process. 
There are many reasons to avoid honey. I think if you are vegan or going vegan the simple thing to do is avoid all animal/insect related products and by-products. Also there are so many alternatives from agave nectar to maple syrup it's easy to replace. 

Thursday 16 June 2016

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for helping to regulate how much calcium you have in your body. It is important for strong bones and teeth meaning vitamin D deficiency can cause bone deformities. The best way of getting vitamin D is making sure you get out in the sun. The sunlight on our body causes vitamin D to be made under our skin, although it is still important to protect yourself with sunscreen! 

To make sure you get enough vitamin D get out walking in the day time. This is also great for your health as the constant exercise will help keep you fit. There are also vegan sources of vitamin D, most non dairy milks are fortified with vitamin D, it will tell you on the packet so look out for ones with added vitamins, some mushrooms contain vitamin D, breakfast cereals, dairy free butters and soya yoghurt are also often fortified with vitamin D, tofu contains the vitamin and if you are worried about your vitamin D intake there is also vegan vitamin D vitamins available. 

I think the best way to get it though is definitely being outdoors more as it is good for your health, mood and general well-being. If you live in a colder climate this can be harder but getting up early when it gets light and getting out can help you and is a good idea in winter when it goes darker earlier. 

Make sure you get plenty of vitamin D in the summer months by being outdoors as much as possible as this will help you in the winter. Get out and enjoy the sunshine! 

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Never too late to be healthy!

It's never too late to change! Our bodies want to be healthy that's why you feel good when you eat clean, healthy food and why you feel sick after eating too much junk food. Listen to your body, eat well and your health will take care of itself. I love this quote from Michael Greger as it is so true, our bodies are contantly fighting to keep us healthy so be good to yourself, eat well and exercise! 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Vegan Travel- The Vegan Passport App

If you are about to go on an adventure travelling to distant places and exploring new cultures you may be thinking about how to be vegan in a foreign country. 

It's not always possible to fill your suitcase with vegan food and if you are travelling for a long time you need to be able to find vegan food and recognise what is safe to eat. It can be a big worry for people going on holiday as you don't want to compromise your beliefs or struggle to find something to eat. Luckily there is a way to take the stress out of travelling as a vegan and all you have to do is download an app. 

The Vegan Passport App from the Vegan society is perfect for travellers. It contains a phrasebook for asking for vegan options, making it easier to eat out when abroad. It can be scary going to a new country and not knowing what to ask for, so this app takes the worry away from travelling leaving you to free to focus on what clothes to bring and how much money you will need. 

The app is available to downloads now and if you prefer an actual travel book this is set to be released on 1st July 2016. Just in time for the summer holidays. 

Happy travelling and find out more here:

Monday 13 June 2016

Alpro Soya Chocolate

If you haven't tried this chocolate milk from Alpro yet give it a go. It is delicious and will remind you of being a kid enjoying a chocolate milkshake. It is available in supermarkets in packs of three and is perfect for adding to a lunch for work or a picnic, drink it chilled for the unbelievably chocolate taste. You'll appreciate it at work when you are fed up of pretending to be an adult and it's healthier than you think as it contains adding vitamins such as calcium and B12, it is also low in calories and a source of protein so there's no need to feel guilty about this treat. A word of warning though when my nephew drank this he was full of energy and didn't want to go to sleep, maybe keep this one for yourself, it's far too good to share! 

Sunday 12 June 2016

Handmade Burger Co Vegan Options

So I'm not the biggest fan of eating in non-veggie places (vegans have trust issues!) but it's nice to know that more and more places have vegan options. 

The Handmade Burger Co is not somewhere I thought would cater for vegans but I saw that as of a few days ago they are now serving vegan ice cream at their restaurants. This is great news for vegans and anyone who is lactose intolerant as you now have a dessert option. 

I also checked out their menus and found that they have a few vegan meal options on the menu. I really didn't expect this burger chain to have anything other than meat on the menu so I am pleasantly surprised. You can add it to the list of vegan friendly restaurants. 

Check out the veggie menu here:

Saturday 11 June 2016

Grass-Fed Beef doesn't exist

There are many ways to describe meat and 'Grass-Fed' is one way of describing beef. Here's the thing, beef doesn't have a mouth as this quote so brilliantly describes. Using the term 'grass-fed' is a clever marketing ploy trying to make you see meat as healthy. I do worry what the non grass fed animals eat! They are basically admitted that most animals are pumped full of hormones and chemicals to feed them up so they can kill them quicker. Do non grass fed cows ever eat grass? It's a worrying thought and maybe something people don't consider when they hear this term.  

Also stating that the beef is 'grass-fed' is trying to make it sound healthier. Just because the cow is on a vegan diet doesn't mean these health benefits magically transfer to people eating meat. Scientific studies show meat causes high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even cancer. Eating a cow who once ate grass (before it was cruelly killed) doesn't take away the unhealthy aspects of meat. It's like adding a lettuce leaf to a bowl of sugar, one healthy thing does not cancel out something that is bad for you. 

Another thing about the statement why do they not say grass fed cows? I guess that reminds meat eaters they are eating an animal that once lived, enjoyed eating and was then killed. Using different names for meat distances it from the animal it once was. They become two separate things and many meat eaters when challenged to think about an animal being killed get upset because the meat industry goes to great lengths to make what is essentially a murdered animal become 'food'. As this quote from Colleen Patrick-Goodreau states beef doesn't have a mouth so how can it be grass fed?

I think it's time to stop distancing ourselves from the reality and see past these marketing ploys. Meat is murder, it is not healthy and if being 'grass-fed' makes you healthy why not go all out and eat a plant based diet like vegans do. Cut out the middle man, stop getting your plant based benefits through a dead animal and go straight to the source. Eating plant based foods is healthy and is scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and blood pressure and has many antioxidants which can help prevent cancer. See the difference and see through the propaganda. 

The poster used in this blog is from they have loads of vegan posters to download, print and share. 

Friday 10 June 2016

Accidentally Vegan- Hotel Chocolat Orange Tangs

Chocolate and Orange a match made in heaven. These Orange Tangs from Hotel Chocolat are accidentally vegan, meaning you can enjoy the lovely combination dairy free. Hotel Chocolat is a great place for gifts and they actually have a few vegan options meaning you can still enjoy luxurious chocolate. This is one to add to your shopping list. 

Thursday 9 June 2016

Lotus Biscoff Biscuit Spread

If you haven't tried this product it is time to manically run down to your local supermarket and get some. Remember to pay for it as you stampede out of the shop. It really is delicious, if you are a fan of the Lotus biscuits you will love this spread. It tastes just like the biscuits and can be used in baking or used as a spread. It is very sweet so you will only need a little but it is very versatile, it can be added to cakes, used instead of icing or if you have a really sweet tooth added to your toast for breakfast. Don't blame me for that sugar high though as I don't necessarily recommend this as a breakfast item but used in baking it is amazing. It gives a delicious flavour to cakes and is a great biscuit topping. It could also make some interesting many ideas so little time. Let me know what you think of this vegan deliciousness. 

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Vegan Baileys made with Almond Milk

Image result for vegan baileysBaileys is jumping on the Vegan bandwagon with this vegan version of the popular drink made with Almond Milk. This looks like a nice product, I've never tried Baileys but I know it is a popular drink, especially around Christmas, and this newest vegan product will be great news to some people. 

The fact that a popular brand has made a vegan drink shows how veganism is becoming more mainstream. Almond milk is a great choice as it will give the drink a nice flavour, although hopefully in the future they will make versions with other types of non dairy milk for anyone with allergies. 

I love the bottle design as it stands out and is not going to be mixed up with the non-vegan drink. It is not specifically targeted at vegans either but shown to be dairy and gluten free so I think this will appeal to a wider audience. 

I'm not a big drinker and hardly drink alcohol at all but I like that there are more options for vegans. Hopefully this drink will be available in bars and restaurants. It looks like it would make an amazing gift and would be a nice addition in baking- Bailey's cake, cupcakes, or even Bailey's buttercream, I could go on. Look out for this in the shops, let's hope it is widely available and more brands follow suit by making vegan options. 

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Pulsin Cacao, Peanut & Choc Chip bars

I was excited to find these Pulsin bars as I had never heard of them and they contain some of my favourite foods. I love peanuts and who doesn't love chocolate chips. Combine them with Cacao and you are on to a winner. 

They come in boxes of three and there are other flavours to try. They contain natural ingredients, are gluten free and are obviously vegan. These bars are perfect for snacking on whilst out and about. I enjoyed mine whilst walking round the park and reading. It is both filling and lightweight making it the ideal on the go snack. It reminds me of nakd bars so if you like them you will love these products. 

I like this brand as well as they are making healthier alternatives to snacking. By only using natural ingredients you can enjoy something tasty and guilt free. I definitely think these are perfect additions to lunches or a great option to keep in your bag for when you feel hungry. I'm looking forward to trying other options. 

Find out more about the brand here:

Monday 6 June 2016

Oat and Seed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cookies are an amazing snack. They are easy to make, filling and a firm favourite. These oat and seed chocolate chip cookies are delicious with the added health benefits of seeds and oats mixed in. I love guilt free snacks and these are quick to make, tasty and will make you popular with all your friends. I made them into bite sized biscuits but you can make larger ones too if you don't like to share! 

You will need: 

  • 4oz dairy free butter
  • 4oz brown sugar
  • orgran no egg, egg replacer (equivalent of 1 egg) 
  • 4oz oats 
  • 2tbsp of mixed seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, linseed)
  • 2tbsp chai seeds
  • 5oz flour 
  • 1 packet of dark chocolate chips (about 100g) 


  • Pre-heat the oven to Gas Mark 5
  • Cream the butter and sugar together
  • Mix the egg replacer and water in a separate bowl (follow the packet instructions to replace 1 egg), add this to the mixture and stir in
  • Add the oats and seeds
  • Add the flour and mix until a thick dough is formed and all the flour is mixed in
  • Add the chocolate chips and stir until evenly mixed
  • Scoop spoonfuls of the mixture out and place on a baking tray lined with grease proof baking paper
  • Flatten the balls with a fork
  • Bake in a hot oven for around 15 minutes, leave for 5 minutes longer if you like them browned 
  • Leave to cool on a wire rack

This mixture makes around 16 small biscuits, which can be stored in an air tight container and enjoyed over a few days, however the mixture can also be used to make biscuits of any size. 

It is also very versatile recipe as the seeds can be replaced with chopped nuts and the chocolate can be taken out if you prefer plain biscuits. The best part about them is they are vegan and delicious! These will shock your non vegan friends. Let me know if you try the recipe in the comments and enjoy the cookies! 

Sunday 5 June 2016

Special offer- Almond Milk

You can get two cartons of Almond milk in the bargain freezer store Heron foods (UK) two for £1. In supermarkets non dairy milks can be £1.40 each and sometimes more! So this is a real bargain and one way to make switching to non-dairy milks or trying a new product easier or cheaper. Look out for special offers like this to save you money and make being vegan easier than ever. And if anyone ever tells you it's too expensive to go vegan you can share this offer. That's one less excuse you can have for going vegan. 

Saturday 4 June 2016

Booja Booja Fine De Champagne Truffles

Booja Booja is a brand which I have reviewed before, I love the high quality products and the beautiful packaging and design. This brand is definitely my go to place for gifts as you know you will get something beautiful that anyone will love whether vegan or not.

These Champagne truffles are another amazing product from Booja Booja, they are delicious and filling with a beautiful taste from the champagne. As with other chocolates I have tried from Booja Booja a little goes along way and the rich taste means you don't end up eating the whole box in one go, making them perfect to share or eat over a few days. 

It is clear to see that this is a luxury brand. The packaging is beautiful, making it a wonderful gift. Who wouldn't want to open this chocolate box up. 

I love the little message that comes with the chocolates, what a lovely idea. I think these might be different in every box, that's a good excuse to buy more! 

I love that fact that Booja Booja products are made in a completely dairy free environment, this is a vegan company who obviously put a lot of love and thought into their products. Everything is well thought out and looks amazing. The chocolates, along with all their products, are also organic which is great for anyone living and organic lifestyle, you don't have to give up chocolate to be healthy. 

When you finally get to the chocolate truffles, you feel like you deserve a chocolate. These look almost too good to eat. Almost. They were simply delicious and the champagne was a nice addition. Another amazing product from Booja Booja. 

Friday 3 June 2016

Avocado Benefits

There are many benefits to adding Avocado to your meals. It is a unique fruit as it is high in healthy fats and is made up mainly of carbohydrates, it also has many health benefits: 

  • It contains more potassium than bananas, this is something most people are deficient in so adding Avocado to your meals can boost your health and keep your blood pressure levels at a healthy level
  • Eating avocados lowers cholesterol 
  • They are full of nutrients from B vitamins to vitamin E and Folate
  • Avocados are a high fat food but they contain healthy fatty acid. The human body needs certain fats and the ones you get from avocado are known to improve heart health. 
  • They are full of fibre which helps with weight loss and reducing blood sugar 
  • Avocados are also full of anti-oxidants making them great for helping the body prevent diseases.   
There are so many health benefits to Avocados and they are also delicious and easy to add to any meal. They can simply be chopped up and added to a salad or main meal, no need to cook them. They also make a great substitute for butter in baking meaning it is really easy to add them to your diet. 

Thursday 2 June 2016

Vegan Festival at Chorlton Irish Festival

I loved visiting the Vegan Festival run by the Vegan Organic Network last Saturday. It was different to other vegan festivals I have been to as it was outdoors, the sun was shining and everyone was enjoying the day. When I went to the Vegan Festival in Manchester it was indoors and really busy, there was hardly any room to move. It was nice to see how popular a vegan event is but it felt claustrophobic. Having a festival at the Chorlton Irish Centre using both the indoor and outdoor space was a brilliant idea, it meant there was more space and even though it was extremely busy you weren't bumping into people. 

It was nice to see the turn out, every stall was busy and the burgers and ice cream stalls were extremely busy. Who says vegans only eat salads. There was also entertainment from singers to dancers and outdoor seating to enjoy it all. This was an amazing event, it was well organised and a fun day out for all the family. There was face painting for kids, and an indoor bar and chill out room for adults and talks upstairs in the centre. I think vegan festivals are one business which is guaranteed to make money, it is nice to spend time with other people who share your lifestyle and find new vegan products and eat delicious food without needing to check labels. It was nice to sample Jamaican vegan food and see all the make-up brands available. I got loads of recipe ideas and had a great day out. I hope there are more outdoor festivals like this is the future! 

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Interesting article on the hypocrisy of meat eaters

Just thought I'd share this interesting article. This always happens when a 'exotic' creature is killed such as a gorilla or lion, people get upset, condemn the killing and rant about how it's wrong and the same people probably eat meat for their dinner and don't see the link. Just because it is an animal you like doesn't mean it's death is more of an outrage than the animals which are killed for your dinner. Start seeing the connection, no animal deserves to die. 

My thoughts on Zoos

Zoos are in the news a lot recently. A gorilla was sadly shot dead because a child fell into it's enclosure and they feared for the child's safety and not long ago zoos hit the headlines as it was shown that they cull animals and feed them to others to stop them over populating and this practice was shown to shocked tourists on a behind the scenes tour. 

In both cases everyone was understandably upset. In the more recent story about the Gorilla, the parents are being blamed by the media for not looking after their child. The zoo is being blamed for killing the animal when behavioural experts say he wasn't showing any aggression. However I think people are missing a point that the beautiful (Vegan) creature should not have been kept in an enclosure for the entertainment of others in the first place. If he wasn't there and the family hadn't gone along to see the animal none of this would have happened. 

Of course I have to admit I have been to a zoo before, and I enjoyed it. It was amazing seeing creatures I had only seen in pictures so I can understand why people visit them but recently I have changed my mind about the whole business. This isn't a natural way to see animals and just like I don't think animals should be killed for food they are also not on this planet for our entertainment however much you might want to see a creature you've never seen before. My joy at a being at a zoo quickly ended when I saw the sadness in the eyes of the animals, especially the monkeys and gorillas who are proven to be highly intelligent. Some people will say that zoos are a way to breed endangered species. However a better way to protect endangered species is to have national parks and safaris where they are protected but able to live in their natural habitats, at the end of the day a zoo is a business designed for entertainment, they try to fit as many animals in as possible to attract customers. There doesn't seem to be much thought to the space these creatures would have had in the wild. There is nothing worse than seeing an animal in a tiny cage or looking bored in an unnatural environment. The fact that zoos have to kill animals and feed them to others shows how unnatural it has become, these caged creatures probably couldn't survive in the wild now because humans have taken away their natural instincts. 

The only way to keep humans safe from wild animals is not to put them on display and let them live their lives naturally. Some people are blaming the parents of the child who fell into the gorillas enclosure but there are always going to be accidents and unforeseen things can happen when you put wild animals in an unnatural place. Also the idea that humans are top of the food chain that some people have and use as an excuse to eat meat clearly isn't true as if it was the case why would humans fear a gorilla? They could just walk into the enclosure and carry the child out. We need to stop thinking that because humans have weapons we are superior, we need to respect all animals and let them live their lives in a natural way and respect that they are strong and often dangerous and we should leave them in peace. Until all zoos are closed we will keep hearing upsetting stories because nothing good can come from keeping animals prisoners just as nothing good can come from slaughtering animals for food. I don't know whether the gorilla would have harmed the child and I don't know if the whole situation was the parents fault and I don't think people should be applying blame we should be instead looking at why we still feel it necessary to keep animals on display. It's time to empty the cages and stop using animals for entertainment.