The witching hour is upon us and Vegans want to share in the fun and rot our teeth too! So here's a break down of some vegan treats you can share with friends, give out to trick or treaters or just eat by yourself as you hide in the dark and ignore the knocks on the door.
1) Tesco Free From Chocolate buttons:
Kids will love them because who doesn't love chocolate buttons and the best thing is they are milk and dairy free. Find them in the free from section in Tesco.
2) Starburst:
This is one of the amazingly accidentally vegan products that is perfect for a Halloween party, fill up a bowl and enjoy a guilt free vegan treat.
3) Goody Good Stuff Cola bottles:
Found in Holland and Barrett and many health food shops these vegan cola bottles are perfect for Halloween treats. It just shows you that anything can be made vegan, check out the range for more vegan sweets to add to your many treats.
4) Love Hearts:
Go back to your childhood and see if you get the message you want with Love Hearts. They are almost too nice for Halloween but since they are vegan you can add them to the collection and show all the ghouls at your party how much you love them.
5) Kettle Chips:
If you can't take any more sweets, try something savoury instead with Kettle Chips. Some of their range is labelled vegan and perfect for parties.
Who says Halloween has to be scary for Vegans- you can carve pumpkins, dress in ridiculous outfits and eat your body weight in sweets like everyone else! Happy Halloween everyone.
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