1) Replace everything: Sometimes people going vegan focus on what they now can't eat and simply cut a large portion of their diet out. One simple way to go vegan is to simply REPLACE everything you eat now with the vegan version. I always say there is a vegan version for everything, milk, cheese and even bacon have a vegan alternative so if you have milk on cereal for breakfast buy some non-dairy milks and there are many options to choose from. If you love cheese try the vegan kind and there are even alternatives to eggs. Vegan egg from follow your heart is a new product which allows you to make scrambled eggs and you can even bake with them. Plus with so many fake meats there is a vegan alternative to everything.
Here are a few alternatives:
Check out http://followyourheart.com/veganegg/ for an egg alternative and see http://www.vbitesfoods.com/ for all your meat alternatives.
2) Try new foods: Veganism is a plant based diet and there are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world. Your favourite food might be something you have never tried. Use your new vegan diet as an excuse to try new, exotic and different foods, eve things you don't like the sound of as your taste buds do change when you cut out animal products so you might discover something delicious.
3) Use the internet: With so many resources online it is easy to find help and support for your vegan lifestyle. If you use social media follow vegans and vegan blogs for inspiration and follow some vegan groups on facebook to find out where to get bargain vegan products. Also Veganuary is the official site which helps people try the vegan challenge in January but guess what you can use their site full of recipes, information and help any time of year. It's jam packed full of advice so make sure you check it out: http://www.veganuary.com/
4) Eat more: Vegan foods tend to be lower in fat and calories and digest really quickly, this is why the vegan lifestyle is so good for maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight for those who want to. However if you are already at your ideal weight you need to make sure you eat more food to get enough calories each day. Not eating enough will make you feel weak and ill and then you won't see the true benefits of a vegan diet. When trying the vegan challenge using an app like My Fitness Pal to track your calories is a good way to ensure you eat enough food, the amount you need will vary depending on how active you are but a basic guide is 2000 calories a day for women and 2500 calories a day for men.
5) Ignore negative people: A lot of people will probably think you are crazy and won't understand why you are becoming a vegan. Veganism is becoming more popular but it is still a minority lifestyle. Don't let other people's judgements and negativity stop you from giving this lifestyle a go, the truth is most people just don't understand what you eat as a vegan or why you would want to do it. They see it as taking away a large part of your food intake and don't realise that everything can be replaced and this is a healthier way to live for maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your risk of diseases. Try to educate others and don't give in to anyone who thinks this lifestyle is extreme. As far as I'm concerned eating the dead flesh of animals who have been murdered, consuming animal products which cause illnesses and wearing animal byproducts as fashion is extreme, avoiding cruelty and being healthy is not.
6) Watch You Tube videos: There are so many vegan youtubers and my favourite vlogs are the 'what I eat in a day' videos, these have given me so much inspiration on different meal ideas. This will make sure you know what to eat as a vegan and can help you meal plan. They are also brilliant ways to find new foods as when you are new to the vegan lifestyle the hardest part can be getting used to what to eat.
7) Read the Science: There are so many scientific studies showing meat causes cancer, dairy causes acne and eggs are believed to increase the risk of cancer, diabetes and raise cholesterol. These studies don't always make it to the mainstream media because the meat, dairy and egg industries are big businesses and guess what businesses don't care about your health you need to care enough to research what you are eating and what your 'food' is doing to your body. Check out some articles here:
8) Eat Out: One of the reasons many people give for not going vegan is because it's too hard to stick to and there are not enough options. While I agree the vegan menus in some places need improving there are still so many places which do great vegan options. Eating out and trying new vegan meals will make you see it is easier than you think. A lot of places will offer a vegan alternative and mainstream eateries like Las Iguanas, The Cosy Club, Zizzi, JD Weatherspoons, Loungers, Pizza Express, The Handmade Burger Company, Pret A Manger and Giraffe all have vegan options. Eating out in places which aren't traditional vegan cafes will show you how easy veganism can fit into your life. You won't have to avoid your friends or stop eating with your family it isn't as hard as you first think.
9) Your taste will change: Another barrier people have when going vegan is the love they have for one product. Whether it's eggs, cheese or meat that you 'can't live without' the reality is you can live without these things you just don't want to. This is why doing the vegan challenge is a great idea as it forces you to give up those foods that you love, many of these products you will eat out of habit and over time your taste changes meaning you no longer crave these foods and will find new ones you love. This is great as meat, dairy and eggs are unhealthy for you and bad for the animals and the planet. You will learn that you can not only live without them but your life and health is better without them.
10) Research the ethical side: You may try veganism for health reasons or as a challenge. It might be a bit of fun and something new to try. This is great and you may want to stick with it simply because you feel happier and healthier although looking into the ethical reasons to go vegan will make it a lifelong change. I was a lifelong vegetarian until I read an article on the cruelty within the dairy and egg industries. I couldn't continue to support the animal cruelty which is unnecessary as you don't need any animal products in your diet to survive. I am now very interested in animal rights and know a lot about the cruel processes within these industries. When you avoid certain foods for ethical reasons it is so much easier to do as you are not giving up your favourite food or meal, you are giving up animal cruelty and refusing to support inhumane practices. It is a choice and rather than being something difficult it is easy to do the right thing. I don't have to make excuses as to why I support killing and cruelty, this isn't part of my life and that is the best part of this lifestyle.
Hopefully these tips will help anyone trying the vegan challenge. Who knows a one month challenge may become a new lifestyle. The main thing is to do it right, eat enough, research and try new foods as you will only get the benefits from being a vegan if you do it properly and there are so many benefits to being a vegan, if you want to be healthier, happier and live cruelty free this is the life for you!
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