
Sunday, 7 February 2016

The darker side of the countryside

The countryside is beautiful, there's a reason why there are programmes like Escape to the country. People want to live here, move away from the stressful city or retire to a peaceful life. 

However I've seen a darker side of the countryside. I saw a van driving past in the village and it turned out it contained an animal going to the local butcher. Apparently he kills his own meat so it's fresh! 

I find this disgusting, that poor animal being driven to it's death. I don't even want to think about it- living in a city you don't see things like this. Meat eaters are shielded from the reality of where their 'food' comes from, here you can't escape it. It's not easy to ignore when a animal is literally being driven to its death. It is a living creature, it deserves a life, it is not food.

I really believe most meat eaters basically have their fingers in their ears when it comes to meat. They know it's an animal but they don't want to think about it being killed, suffering or once being alive. It's just meat- packaged up for your convienience. If they really thought about it or saw the van carrying an animal to the butchers maybe they'd wake up. 

Every time you buy meat you have paid someone to murder an animal. Think about it, really think about that reality. I have never seen meat as food it is dead flesh, part of a rotting corpse that has been slaughtered. 

I hope one day we don't ignore the cruelty that exists in society. I usually just have my blog for vegan food and lifestyle this is what I love but I just wish more people realised that being vegan is the way to go. A cruelty free life is a happy life- the more people that choose it the less scared animals being driven down country roads. The only way to bring back the beauty of the countyside is to get rid of the darker side and let's the animals do what they were born to do and enjoy living off the land not dying on it.

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