There are many ways to describe meat and 'Grass-Fed' is one way of describing beef. Here's the thing, beef doesn't have a mouth as this quote so brilliantly describes. Using the term 'grass-fed' is a clever marketing ploy trying to make you see meat as healthy. I do worry what the non grass fed animals eat! They are basically admitted that most animals are pumped full of hormones and chemicals to feed them up so they can kill them quicker. Do non grass fed cows ever eat grass? It's a worrying thought and maybe something people don't consider when they hear this term.
Also stating that the beef is 'grass-fed' is trying to make it sound healthier. Just because the cow is on a vegan diet doesn't mean these health benefits magically transfer to people eating meat. Scientific studies show meat causes high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even cancer. Eating a cow who once ate grass (before it was cruelly killed) doesn't take away the unhealthy aspects of meat. It's like adding a lettuce leaf to a bowl of sugar, one healthy thing does not cancel out something that is bad for you.
Another thing about the statement why do they not say grass fed cows? I guess that reminds meat eaters they are eating an animal that once lived, enjoyed eating and was then killed. Using different names for meat distances it from the animal it once was. They become two separate things and many meat eaters when challenged to think about an animal being killed get upset because the meat industry goes to great lengths to make what is essentially a murdered animal become 'food'. As this quote from Colleen Patrick-Goodreau states beef doesn't have a mouth so how can it be grass fed?
I think it's time to stop distancing ourselves from the reality and see past these marketing ploys. Meat is murder, it is not healthy and if being 'grass-fed' makes you healthy why not go all out and eat a plant based diet like vegans do. Cut out the middle man, stop getting your plant based benefits through a dead animal and go straight to the source. Eating plant based foods is healthy and is scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and blood pressure and has many antioxidants which can help prevent cancer. See the difference and see through the propaganda.
The poster used in this blog is from http://veganposters.com/ they have loads of vegan posters to download, print and share.
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