
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Eat the Rainbow

You may have heard the saying eat the rainbow but what does it mean? 

It is a favourite quote of health gurus and fitness coaches. It basically means eat more colourful food such as fruits and vegetables because each colour contains valuable nutrients and vitamins that are essential for good health. 

By choosing food based on colour you gain all the different benefits listed above. Each one has great properties such as red foods helping heart health and white foods reducing the risk of cancer. However you shouldn't stick to just one colour of food. To gain the best overall benefits it is important to eat a variety of foods- remember to 'eat the rainbow' and you will get all the nutrients your body needs to improve your immune system, fight infections and diseases and act as the best form of anti-ageing. Food is the best medicine and eating healthily can help you avoid needing actual medicines. 

An easy way to add more colourful food to your diet is to prepare all your ingredients first when cooking. Add all your different ingredients to your plate first so you can see how colourful it is, if your plate doesn't look like a rainbow add some more vegetables. 

If your plate has a variety of colours you know that you are gaining many different nutrients, even if you are unsure what they are you will know that it is healthy and full of essential vitamins. If your plate looks too beige or all the same colour it's a sign you are not eating the right foods. Think about junk food or a take away, it is very rarely bright in colour because it lacks nutrients. Add more variety to each meal and you will feel the difference. 

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