
Tuesday 8 March 2016

Raw till 4?

I was chatting to a friend about going Raw till 4, this is the idea of only eating raw food until 4 pm, so essentially your breakfast and lunch would consist of raw food such as fruits and vegetables that you don't cook. The idea in eating lots of whole foods, unprocessed food is designed to increase your energy levels and health as a major part of your diet will be natural. 

It is definitely challenging as most people, including myself are used to the convenience of processed food. It also means eating a lot more as to get enough calories from fruit and vegetables you need to have bigger portions. Eating a lot of food is not a bad problem to have but it is still challenging. 

I am planning on trying Raw till 4 in the future but for now I am eating more raw food along with my lunch to change my diet slightly. I would normally have a sandwich for lunch so instead I am having half a sandwich along with grapes, kiwi, celery and carrot. Sometimes adding more healthy options into your diet slowly helps you make a positive change. It introduces new foods into your diet and gives you a taste for something other than the same items you always have.

Try adding more raw food into your diet even if Raw till 4 isn't for you as the health benefits will be amazing. 

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